Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Headmaster - Reflection #1

Why do you want to be part of a founding team?


  1. I want to be part of a founding team to make good on all those times when I thought "If only our school ______" or "If we had started __________ right from the beginning, imagine where we'd be now." Starting something from scratch is such a unique opportunity. There is no red tape! There is no "we don't do that here" or "we do things this way" because it hasn't been determined yet. Everything that we always dreamed would exist in a school is ours to create and bring to life. We are artists with a blank canvas! We are pro athletes at our first practice! Everything that we dream we can be, we still have the chance to be! We all have so many ideas, and they can be realized without the resistance of inertia. We are at the start of the flywheel, and I think that it is so exciting, but also a little scary! Once it starts, it's going. Once we make the first stroke of the paintbrush or throw our first ball, we have begun to define our destiny. With this great opportunity comes great responsibility to do every minute detail RIGHT. I'm energized and invigorated to be part of something that has so much potential.

    1. Artists with a blank canvas... Such a great way to put it!

  2. I want to be part of a founding team because we are the foundation of what we are buiding. Only we stand in the way of our dreams of what we wish to be. We as a founding team live by one motto " Failure is not an Option ". We have to finish what we started no other option. Once we began there is no turning back, so if that is the case do it 100% and have fun knowing this success was started by us.

    1. Mr. Johnson,

      I love that you mentioned having fun! This is a huge part of being on a founding team. If we genuinely enjoy what we do, our school will be unstoppable!

  3. My reason for wanting to be part of a founding team is the opportunity to start from scratch. Many times you come into organizations in which everything is set up and there is very limited room for new ideas or changes. I want to be part of an organization in which the ideas of the team will help create the final product. From my own experience I know that founding teams have huge responsibilities and major sacrifices have to be made for the sake of the mission and I have seen that when the stakes are high, people push harder and creativity flows. I cannot wait to see that happening at Brilla.

    1. This is definitely where we are most privileged, in the fact that we can start anew and break away from the mold that has failed many other students. As faculty, we will be much more invigorated to work in this atmosphere of freshness.

  4. I want to be part of a founding team with a similar educational philosophy I have. I really like the fact that it is a clean slate and as a founding team we will be building the foundation that future teachers and students will be building upon. From my own experiences, I do know the the hard work that goes into creating a brand new school - blood, toil, sweat, and tears - but it's all worth it when you see your dream come to life. Kiddies in school, learning and having fun...of course there's more to that...like...I'M (i.e. you all) having fun too. :) I want to build this.

    Also, I like the challenge.

    1. Hi Ms. Song! I am also excited about joining a team that has a similar educational philosophy and work ethic. I believe that with our commitment to our students we will certainly succeed academically, but also create an enjoyable work environment for each of us! I look forward to meeting you soon! Enjoy your weekend.

    2. Hi Ms. Song,

      Your words resonate with me. It really is hard work but how gratifying it will be to look back years from now, like the Headmaster, and observe the wonderful organization that we constructed from all the hard work.

  5. There is nothing that drives me more than a mission to help and teach others. I love helping other people learn and nothing gives me more pleasure than watching a child, an adult, or a senior say, "Yes!, I get it now." I want to join this founding team because every member is important and has a tremendous impact on the school's growth. I am also excited to work with other problem solvers. We are all smart and passionate about the work that lies ahead. We can speak about our shared long-term vision without the drawbacks of bureaucracy. We are building a foundation based on values and honest communication. Brilla is creating a culture that impacts not just the school but the community as a whole. Unlike other organizations, we are all hands-on to hit the goals and exceed them. We are the reason Brilla will succeed.

  6. Being part of a founding team means being heard. It means learning how to constantly collaborate with one another, and adjust to a founding school's daily obstacles. Although this will be my first teaching experience, I know that it will be a rewarding one despite the struggles that lay ahead. At Brilla, I believe that my voice will be heard and that my ideas will be validated amongst other teachers. Along this same note, I feel as though my fears and mistakes will be met with genuine concern because we are such a small tight knit group. One can already sense this "togetherness" during our monthly calls. Through this kind of support, our founding team will be able to offer the most exceptional education for our students. We will soar above other schools because our founding team is committed to our students, our colleagues, and our community. I cannot think of a better way to start off a career in education!

    1. I definitely agree with you. I found it frustrating at times in my school when I was told "this is the way we do things here" and there was often little room for change (especially on a big scale). So I look forward to being a part of setting the foundation for Brilla.

  7. Being a part of a founding team allows for magic to happen. It allows for flexibility to play a key role. We all know nothing will be perfect at first. This is a good thing in retrospect. It gives our founding team the opportunity to use all of our different backgrounds and experiences to find solutions and the best possible options for our students. None of us are set in our ways. We are all in this together knowing there will be changes and adaptations along the way. I love that since we are a founding team we are all starting with a fresh slate. No one has any seniority or cliques. These petty flaws in many schools make for it hard to be GREAT. When teachers have been at a school a while they may feel entitled. They may feel they are always right and "this is the way we've always done it". None of that will hold us down at Brilla. We are all the "new teacher". We all will have the chance to input our opinions and will all listen to one another without a wall up. These are incredible perks of being a part of a founding team. I am so grateful that we are all starting on this journey together. There's no doubt we will be there for each other through it all and will forever remember each other as our "founding team".

    1. Your words couldn't be truer! I have worked for schools with the "that's how we have always done it" mentality. It cripples a school from moving forward! It will be great to start from scratch! However, we will have to remember to keep ourselves open too in years to come, so that we don't begin to develop that mentality down the road.

    2. Alyssa, You bring up a great point. Of course right NOW all of us are in that mindset of open-mindedness where we are energized by new ideas and ready and willing to effect change, but the greater struggle will be in building a culture that continues to embrace that mindset 1, 5, even 10 years later when there is an objective truth to "the way we've always done it."

  8. When I decided to go into education, I never imagined being a part of a founding team. This is a one in a life time opportunity - to be a part of something huge, something brand new, exciting. It's what teachers ultimately dream about doing- creating and building a school from the inside out...developing a school's culture and philosophy...implementing education the way we dreamed of. We are creating the foundation of something great, and we can watch all our hard work develop into something remarkable.

    1. Implementing education is exactly what being a founding team allows. We will work hard to create something remarkable and we will watch it bloom.

    2. Hi Ms. Wang,

      Your words are so true. Years from now, we will be blogging about the success of both Brilla and its alumni.

  9. I am part of a founding team because I want to be a part of the creation of the culture within this institution that will live and die by the character and work ethic of the people who make it up.

    1. This is short, sweet and to the point--and I completely agree with it. A school's character is reflective of the people who work there and their own personal character and work ethnic. Through Brilla events/phone meetings/these posts I am already excited about the team that is being assembled for Brilla; and I know our character will build the foundation to a great school.

    2. I definitely agree with this. The culture of Brilla will definitely be the driving force behind any success we experience. I'm very excited to start with this team at the end of July to start creating this culture that I can already see.

  10. Being a part of a founding team is a huge privilege, and in turn, a huge responsibility. As a founding teacher, you have the opportunity to help create something great. You have a say, you are a part of something new and refreshing, you bring a lot to the table, you are heard. It is also a lot of work. A founding teacher must have relentless passion for education, a heart overflowing with love for and belief in each student, and fierce dedication to the school's mission and vision. You can't simply show up for work and teach- you must also build. As in the book, the Headmaster built something incredible from something barely existing, because he had a passion for the students. He had a desire to get the students to come to the school, and once they were there, to help them become great. This goes beyond schoolbooks, and into the hearts of each child. He led by example, spending his days and nights (even his wedding) thinking about ways to build excellence in his school. He exhibited a passion so strong that the students and staff saw it, felt it, and even grew it in themselves. That is what it is to be a founding teacher. Your dedication drives your motivations to create something great, your efforts as a team spur collaboration, your passion becomes contagious. I cannot wait to be there with all of you, building Brilla together!

    1. Hi Ms. Branchaud-Warren! I love that you mentioned that being a part of a founding team is a privilege. I cannot agree more with you! It is a great privilege to be amongst such dedicated faculty, students, and parents, and therefore we are obligated to give our students the best every single day. I also agree that passion and enthusiasm are contagious and thus we must commit to one another to bring that to Brilla every day! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. It's exciting to create something and then to look back at your creation and analyze the results. Being part of a founding team allows this type of introspection and fosters sustained personal growth.

    1. There's nothing greater than being able to watch your creation grow and realizing what works, what doesn't, and being there through till the end to see how it all came together in the end. Sort of like your own children!

  12. There are different reasons I look forward to working in a founding school. Firstly, I think it will be a great opportunity for my own personal growth as a teacher. Starting at a brand new school brings brand new challenges that I have yet to face; and I look forward to being about to tackle those new obstacles. Secondly, I think it will be exciting to see a school grow. I hope to be at Brilla for many years and therefore have the chance to see the first ever students grow as our school is growing; and build those special relationships with families where in 5-6 years maybe I will have taught multiple students from one family. Lastly, and I think most importantly, is that as the founding staff we get to set the culture of our school. We get to determine the kind of “customer service” we will have and the kind of relationships we will build with each other. Setting a positive atmosphere for years to come is crucial for a new school to be successful and I look forward to being a part of that.

  13. I am excited to found a school because what we are doing doesn't exist in the public sector in NYC. I am excited that our students will receive a robust liberal arts education that will prepare them to be critical thinkers as they grow and develop.

    I am also excited to found a school because we have the opportunity to create a really strong academic program that meets the needs of our learners through multimodality instruction and differentiated learning at a Tier I level. I have not seen differentiated IPs and lessons at a Tier I level in the schools I've been to in NYC because it is broadly accepted that strong direct instruction will meet every kid and push them. While this is true, differentiation and multiple outputs that test mastery will get us even more impressive results. I am excited because we are going to provide our students with a world-class liberal arts education that otherwise would not be available in the current world of NYC charter schools.

    I am equally pumped about creating a school and culture that values teachers and collaboration and celebrates the unique talents of everyone involved. I cannot wait to collaborate and implement best practices so we can have a school that is incredible for staff, family and students alike.

    1. Ms. Barry, you could not have said it better. Brilla really is setting itself apart from the rest, and I couldn't be more excited about being a part of it!

    2. Ms. Barry,

      I too am thrilled to be a part of a school where the teachers are valued and our opinions are appreciated. This makes coming to work each day exciting knowing your colleagues will be counting on you and what you bring to the table.

  14. The thing that is most exciting about being a founding teacher at a brand new school is the ability to mold and set the foundation for an organization that will provide the most important part of the community. We're going to be able to break away from what the "usual school" does to make sure we're not just any other school. We can already see this being developed with our unique curriculum taken from across the best schools around the country and unique school year/day.

    On a more personal level, I know that being a part of a new school, I will grow enormously personally as I see the school expand from a time that had only a few employees and no students yet. The opportunity to start from scratch is truly privileged as we get to set the course that will put hundreds of students on the path to college.

    1. Beyond just a challenge and exciting, I like how you say that it is a privileged because it is. The parents and families are trusting in us to put their child in the path to college, thus, we must trust each other in the process to found an organization that will change our students' lives.

  15. I want to be part of a founding team because I feel it will give you a voice as an educator, as well as a business partner. What I mean is that when you are in well-established schools, their beliefs and customs, so to say, are already in place and are very resistant to change. Whereas with a founding school, the teachers are chosen for a reason...the leadership team trusts this group of teachers to help make crucial and pertinent decisions about the school.
    Founding schools also give teachers and leaders an opportunity to take what they have seen work from all different types of schools and congeal it together to build a "custom" school, so to say. You are allowed to carry over what works and start from scratch, learning what works and what may need tweaked, along the way.

  16. I want to be part of a founding team because it gives me the opportunity of starting something new. It allows me to say that I am part of something bigger that I helped create. Laying the foundation is so imperative when creating something and if you are part of a founding team, you are so much more invested in the creating because you were part of the entire progress. It is a challenge indeed; however, we can work together as a team and make decisions for the betterment of the students and create an unique framework that best benefits our students. It is such a rewarding process to see what you helped form succeed.

  17. After 21 years in a box, it will be refreshing to be part of something New! I consider myself Blessed with the opportunity to work in a collaborative team and to be part in creating and motivationally enlightening a community by our works and talents is pretty inspiring !
