Sunday, June 9, 2013

Good to Great - Reflection #7

This week we are wrapping up Good to Great and crazy to think a little over 2 months our inaugural class will show up for their first day.  We have discussed traditions we want to see, goals we have for ourselves and Brilla and the values of our school.  As we go into our monthly meeting call on Wednesday and shape up for Brilla to become a reality I want us to think about the following:

*This is a FRESH start for all of us to create something not just good but great! As we come together as a team bringing so many different experiences to the table I want you to reflect personally on what mindsets you will need to move past to truly start with a clean slate. 

Instead of writing this I want you to just take 5-10 minutes and truly think about what environment you want in a school and what mindset you will have to walk in with to make this happen.  For all of us this is different but only you know truly what it will take to make Brilla an amazing place for you.  Everyone sets out to create greatness but few achieve (how will Brilla do it?)

Once you have reflected and maybe wrote some personal notes to yourself you can look back on when times get tough to remind you why you wanted to join the Brilla team all I want you to do is write 3-5 words to capture it all.


  1. I'll steal a well-known quote here that reflects my personal approach to achieving our mission at Brilla:

    "Talkers are no good doers"

  2. There's no such thing as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it."

    Brilla will do "it"!

    1. I always use this quote in my life. If I know I can and should do something I always try to go after it and do it.

  3. One foot in front of the other.

    1. Happy Friday Mr. Barnes!
      I love this quote because it truly is in line with "Good to Great" and Brilla's mindset. Success will not come in one fell swoop, but with one foot in front of the other in a consistent direction forward. I believe that this reflection will be a great reminder for all of us throughout the year at Brilla!

  4. We are not teaching skills, we are teaching PEOPLE.

    1. This is always important to remember--we need to make those connections with our students and teach to every individual, unique scholar.

  5. set high expectations and make no assumptions

    1. I love this. It is so easy for us to make excuses for people based on assumptions (he/she has a lot going on, so-and-so is going through a hard time). But instead of assuming things and allowing excuses, we need to set the expectations high and keep them high. When we are there to support our scholars, they can do great things. All students have the ability to achieve excellence despite their backgrounds and situations, no excuses.

  6. "Anything worth having is worth working for."

    1. also...

      "Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow."

  7. Your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

  8. "Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best."

    1. I also LOVE this quote too! :)

      "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

    2. Ms. Gibson, I love both of your quotes. I especially enjoy the first quote because I think that it would be an easy rhyme for our students to remember and execute! I look forward to trying to incorporate it into our classrooms.

  9. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

  10. One of my favorite quotes I continue to reflect on for my personal life and my teaching career that I think we can all apply to ourselves.

    "Our background and circumstances may influence who we are, but we are responsible for who we become."

    I want to become the great teacher I know I can become.

  11. "We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.
    This enables us to do something, and to do it very well." - Oscar Romero, SJ

  12. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” - Joshua J. Marine

  13. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected. - Steve Jobs

  14. Sí, se puede (Spanish for Yes, it is possible)

  15. Trust each other. - Trust that we are all truly bringing our best selves.

    1. By employing generosity of spirit, we can create a team that depends on each other regardless of differences.

  16. The Team The Team The Team

    Those who stay will be champions

    These quotes are from the legendary coach Bo Schembechler- University of Michigan. These are two quotes he put in place in first year of rebuilding the University of Michigan football program. Let me add he retired with the most wins and Also the University of Michigan has the most wins in NCAA Football history. This is fitting being that we are out to shock the world and set records as well.

  17. Success is dependent on effort
