Sunday, May 26, 2013

Good to Great - Reflection #5

Today, many businesses have come to depend upon technology to increase efficiency, reduce overhead, and maximize competitive advantage. However, Collins cautions that technology should not be regarded as a potential panacea for all that ails a company. 

In a blended learning school, Brilla will be blessed with technology at our finger tips.  However, technology is NOT a substitute for a teacher.  What do you think the biggest advantage of having technology int he classroom will be and how do you see yourself using the data the computers will produce

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Good To Great - Reflection #4

At this point you should be over half way through Good to Great.  When you take a look back for some of you a few months and others only a few days since you joined the Brilla Team I want you to think and answer this question.  EVERY organization sets out with inspirations to become great and while we have done a ton of work already to set ourselves apart and get ahead what our some ideas you want to see Brilla do to make our school not just good but GREAT.  I want to gather a ton of ideas of what all of you amazing people have built into your heads for amazing ideas.  It could be related to anything: academics, culture (dances, discipline systems), sports, parent involvement ideas, traditions you had at your own school growing up, ways field day should be run, anything that you could put out there for us to consider.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good To Great - Reflection #3

Another defining characteristic of the companies that Collins defined as great in his study was an overarching organizational culture of discipline. He is quick to point out that a culture of discipline is not to be confused with a strict authoritarian environment; instead, Collins is referring to an organization in which each manager and staff member is driven by an unrelenting inner sense of determination. In this type of organization, each individual functions as an entrepreneur, with a deeply rooted personal investment in both their own work and the company’s success.

As a leader I do NOT want to micro manage people.  I have a firm belief in hiring people I trust and empowering them to thrive.  I also know we must have accountability (some schools have set due dates for lesson plans, a set number of personal and sick days you can use, or other policies around minor issues).  

Another example of this is in many work places people sit around and wait for others to do something or think they have to ask permission for everything instead of being proactive.  

How can we create this environment of individual entrepreneurs at Brilla?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good to Great - Reflection #2

In chapter 5, Collins uses the metaphor of the hedgehog to illustrate the seemingly contradictory principle that simplicity can sometimes lead to greatness. When confronted by predators, the hedgehog’s simple but surprisingly effective response is to roll up into a ball. While other predators, such as the fox, may be impressively clever, few can devise a strategy that is effective enough to overcome the hedgehog’s simple, repetitive response.

What should Brilla College Prep's Hedgehog be?  What are we going to be the BEST IN THE WORLD at?