Sunday, April 28, 2013

Good To Great - Reflection #1

In Chapter 1-3 Collins found that successes in three main areas, which he terms disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action, were likely the most significant factors in determining a company’s ability to achieve greatness. As a Brilla staff member how will you stay disciplined in a founding school where you will have to be a "jack of all trades"?

*In other words you have a job with a job description but we all know if founding a school you have to be ready to step in and be proactive 100% of the time.  How will you be disciplined enough with so much going on to stay focused on our mission and forget all the "minor things" that might go wrong (and will)!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Teach Like a Champion, Chapter 8 - Improving your Pacing

Teach Like a Champion Post for Chapter 8 is due tomorrow.  I also love the responses we are seeing other post on each others wall.

Remember this is for you and you get out of it what you put in .  If we want to be the best we must continue to push one another to grow.