Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Teach Like A Champion, Chapter 7 Discussion

Team -

In addition to posting your own analysis of the weeks' chapter (see Example Post below), each week we would like for everyone to take a minute to read a few of your colleague's blog posts and respond with questions or comments on at least 2 of your colleague's posts.

This is what we would like to see from each of you:

Example post
In chapter 7, Lemov describes techniques that help build character, trust, and culture within your classroom. He describes the following techniques:
#43. Positive Framing
#47. Emotional Constancy
#48. Explain Everything
#49. Normalize Error

He also describes three others that really hit home with me:
#44. Positive Praise
Reinforcing good behavior with praise is one of the most powerful, but also most abused tools teachers have. Keep the following in mind when praising:
  • Differentiate between acknowledgement and praise. Simply noticing when students do what’s expected is better than praise – reserve praise for exceptional or exemplary behavior
  • Praise (and acknowledge) Loudly, and fix or correct softly
  • Praise things within a students control, such as effort, instead of attributes such as intelligence
  • Praise must be genuine.

#45. Warm/Strict
These two qualities are not opposites – in fact, they are unrelated qualities that all teachers should strive to have. Being warm AND strict sends the message that having high expectations is part of what caring for and respecting someone means.
  • Explain to students why you’re doing what you’re doing
  • Distinguish between a person, and a person’s behavior
  • Demonstrate that consequences are temporary
  • Use warm non-verbal behavior, as well as positive framing
#46. The J-Factor
Joy is what helps us get through the day, and fine teachers will offer up generous servings of energy, passion, enthusiasm, fun, and humor, along with the following types of Joy increasing tools:
  • Fun and games
  • “Us” – a classroom culture or family feel. Lemov suggests nicknames, unique language, rituals, traditions, songs, etc. to promote culture.
  • Drama, song, and dance
  • Humor
  • Suspense or surprise
An example of a comment (for 1 of my two) might be:
Wow, Mr Gillaspie I too thought those three techniques really hit home most.  What have you done in the past to really pull out the J-Facotr in your classes.  Any suggestions help?